Tuesday, September 13, 2011

short note

Healthy foods contain the nutrients required by the body. The nutrient density in certain foods are higher than others and hence they are more beneficial. Nutrient density is a measure of the amount of nutrients contained in a food in comparison to the number of calories. A nutrient dense food contains more nutrients when compared to the calories it contains.
Healthy foods are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber, phytonutrients and the least number of calories.
Whole foods serve as very healthy foods as they are not processed and do not contain artificial ingredients. Organically grown foods are healthier on the body and they are more preferable as they are safe and sound on health. They are the agricultural products consisting of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, grains etc. They do not possess any elements which are capable of polluting environment. So they do good not only for your health but also on the health of the planet. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not used on organic products to grow them and they are free from the use of harmful ingredients. They thus reduce pollution.
There are more and more scientific findings made everyday. It is better to make use of these to improve our health benefits. Whole foods are much safer when compared to isolated dietary supplements and they are very effective as they provide disease fighting capabilities. One needs to make a careful choice on the foods we intake since each food is different from the other and has healing power based on its constituents and we also may require to avoid certain kinds of foods which have negative impact on health.
healthy foods1 3 300x260 Healthy foods
healthy foods1

A few of the healthy foods provide health benefits for one particular health condition but may be harmful to another one. for e.g., small amount of alcohol is good for the heart and can prevent heart attacks whereas the same alcohol can lead to breast cancer. Hence, we need to apply our wisdom to choose which healthy foods are best for one’s own self. Also, it is required to keep ourselves updated on the nutritional value of foods so that we can intake them with a purpose instead of merely pushing them down the throat or can avoid them if it is harmful even though there be a temptation.


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